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Why is it Auspicious to Buy Property During Navratri

Why is it Auspicious to Buy Property During Navratri

Nights adorned with celebrations, enthusiasm, happiness, and vibrancy within ourselves are a few major highlights of the festive season. Navratri is considered as one of the most auspicious festivals in India. People find it very lucky to invest in gold, real estate, and lots more. Developers of real estate also launch special offers for buyers […]

Will Second Wave Affect real Estate Sentiments, Prices?

Will Second Wave Affect real Estate Sentiments, Prices?

The country is going through the second wave of corona virus infection, and the business world is concerned about its impact; the real estate sector is observing the situation with bated breath; however, the realtors feel that everyone must work together to contain the second wave. As the government has hinted that complete lockdown is […]